Weird profit benchmarks

I have been wondering for a while how auditors fix their materiality limits so I read eight audit reports of four large audit firms [1] to see if I could find anything amusing on this Oh so serious and boring subject. Their approaches to the subject are quite different. Some auditors choose a percentage against…

Emerging risks are imaginary So are unknown risks

AstraZeneca have an odd risk which they call “emerging risks.” They describe them as follows: “Emerging risks are ‘new’ risks that may challenge us in the future.” [1] The important word here is ‘may’. But how can they be important, even material enough to put in a financial report, when they don’t know exactly what…

The misleading 52 weeks

I am surprised by the inventiveness of companies that use 52 weeks annual reporting instead of the more usual 12 months. I have often wondered why they think that 364 days is better than 365. They must believe that this one day is important to leave out, but they never tell us why. Sometimes the…

Social media is now a risk

Bristol Myers, as pioneers of the future, introduce a unknown business risk in their 2021 Annual Report: “Increased use of social media platforms present risks and challenges.” They are afraid of inappropriate use of certain media vehicles and of ‘inaccurate posts or comments’. All this according to them could damage their ‘reputation, brand image and…

Is water becoming a material business risk? GlaxoSmithKline think so

Here is their risk statement: “Increasing levels of water stress which reduces the level of the availability of water for our operations.” [1] Perhaps their manufacturing sites are in the desert, but this information has not been included in their annual report. However, later they announce that the water stress risk has a low risk…

Opportunities become risks

Have you ever noticed that when companies acquire other organisations, they turn these opportunities into a risk? They must have known the risks at the moment of acquisition. They must have estimated their capacity to integrate the acquisition and concluded that the anticipated synergies and benefits far outweighed the risks, or they would never have…