When is an accounting principle an accounting assumption?

The American accounting profession spoil their structured approach to GAAP by announcing there are three, perhaps four accounting assumptions [1] which accountants must understand before applying their Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The first American assumption states that a business is separate from its owners. Under IFRS, this American assumption is considered so obvious it is…

An IFRS not in GAAP

It is interesting that the one most important accounting rule (or principle) not included in the US accounting principles or GAAP is what IFRS call the ‘accrual basis of accounting’. Paragraph 27 of IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements states clearly: “An entity shall prepare its financial statements, except for cash flow information, using the…

What is an accounting principle?

In the USA, accountants have ten clear accounting principles they call GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. [1] In the UK and elsewhere, principles mean something else. In the UK for instance the Financial Reporting Council, the FRC, who set UK standards for accounting have invented ‘pervasive principles’ [2] completely different to American principles. These are…